

Rank Lobbyist Employers Total contributions Total expenditures
473 Lorette McNeill-Enochs National Alliance on Mental Illness 2014 $0 $0
473 Scott Edward Arnold Roosevelt County Rural Telephone Cooperative 2014 $0 $0
473 Cara Atencio University of Phoenix 2014 $0 $0
473 Glorianna D. Atencio NM Association of Educational Retirees 1 2013 - 2014, 2016, 2018 - 2019
NM Association of Educational Retirees 2014
New Mexico Association of Educational Retirees 2014
$0 $0
473 Yvonne Mendoza AFSCME 2014 $0 $0
473 Angelo Metzgar AFSCME 2014 $0 $0
473 Hiyatike Miller Santa Fe County 2014 $0 $0
473 Adriana Badal $0 $0
473 Jo Miranda NM Association of Educational Retirees 1 2014 $0 $0
473 Tom J. Bagwell New Mexico Department of Agriculture 2014 $0 $0
473 William E Baldwin New Mexico Hospitality Association 2013 - 2014, 2016 - 2017 $0 $0
473 Harvey Monroe Sr. AARP 2014 $0 $0
473 Thomas A Montano Plumbers & Pipefitters, Local Union #412 2014 $0 $0
473 Charles Montjoy NM Association of Educational Retirees 1 2013 - 2016 $0 $0
473 Genaro Montoya Sandia National Laboratories 2013 - 2014, 2016 - 2020 $0 $0
473 Les Montoya County of San Miguel 2014 $0 $0
473 Jeanne C. Barck New Mexico Association of Educational Retirees 2014
NM Association of Educational Retirees 1 2014
$0 $0
473 P.H. Barck New Mexico Association of Educational Retirees 2014
NM Association of Educational Retirees 1 2014
$0 $0
473 Andrew J. Barreras Cochiti Pueblo 2014
Tres Amigas LLC 2014
$0 $0
473 Lillian Montoya-Rael United Way of Santa Fe County 2013 - 2014
New Mexico Independent Community Colleges 2013 - 2014
$0 $0
473 Diane Moore City of Las Vegas 2014 $0 $0
473 Elise Sanders Moore Environment New Mexico 2013 - 2019 $0 $0
473 Karen Bates AFSCME 2014 $0 $0
473 Rebecca Ann Beardsley Santa Fe County 2014
Santa Fe County 2014
$0 $0
473 Rebecca (Becky) Ann Beckett National Alliance for Mentally Ill New Mexico 2013 - 2014 $0 $0