

Rank Lobbyist Employers Total contributions Total expenditures
473 Ms. Lissa Marie Knudsen American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico 2014 $0 $0
473 Jennifer B. Webster El Paso Corporation 2014 $0 $0
473 Ms. Clara Apodaca Hispanic Cultural Center 2014 $0 $0
473 Mr. Michael Paul Branch Northern New Mexico College 2015
Northern NM College 2013 - 2014
$0 $0
473 Ms. Joan Elizabeth Drake Bright Source Enegy, Inc. 2014
CPV Lazy J Renewable Energy Company 2014
$0 $0
473 Dr Hilary Anne Noskin Keshet Dance Company 2014
Peacock Myers 2014
$0 $0
473 Mr. Daniel L. Sonntag Associated Students of NMSU 2014 $0 $0
473 Mr. William Verant State of New Mexico 2014 $0 $0
473 Ms. Mary G. Wilson League of Women Voters-New Mexico 2013 - 2014 $0 $0
473 Ms. Lora Anne Lucero League of Women Voters-New Mexico 2014 $0 $0
473 Ms. Cheryl Haaker League of Women Voters-New Mexico 2014 $0 $0
473 Mr. Mark Bordas Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. 2014 $0 $0
473 Mr. Daniel Sanchez Milo Sandia National Laboratories 2013 - 2020 $0 $0
473 Mr. James Conzelman Solus Alternative 2014 $0 $0
473 William Walsh Humana 2013 - 2014 $0 $0
473 Margret Carde New Mexico Legal Aid 2014 $0 $0
473 Mr. Gary Blakeley Humana 2014 $0 $0
473 Samantha Sengel Central New Mexico Community College 2013 - 2014, 2016
Central NM Community College (CNM) 2015
$0 $0
473 Maria Teresa Sanchez New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty 2014 $0 $0
473 John C. Bonifaz Third Sector New England, Inc. dba Free Speech 2014 $0 $0
473 K. Davis NM Association of Educational Retirees 1 2014 $0 $0
473 Mr. Randal Henry NM Association of Educational Retirees 1 2013 - 2020 $0 $0
473 Ms. Paula Garcia NM Association of Educational Retirees 1 2013 - 2014 $0 $0
473 Ms. Vesta Henry NM Association of Educational Retirees 1 2013 - 2017, 2020
NM Association of Educational Retirees 1 2018 - 2019
$0 $0
473 Mr. Miguel Avitia $0 $0