

Rank Lobbyist Employers Total contributions Total expenditures
473 Sheldon R Neymark $0 $0
473 Stephanie Welch NM Center on Law and Proverty 2019 - 2020 $0 $0
473 Stephanie Simpson Sanofi US 2019 - 2020 $0 $0
473 Kate Noble United Way of Santa Fe County 2019 - 2020 $0 $0
473 Diane Denish United Way of Santa Fe County 2019 - 2020 $0 $0
473 Rebecca Blum Martinez New Mexico Center on Law & Poverty 2019 $0 $0
473 Crystal Runyan Diamond $0 $0
473 Jacob vigil New Mexico Voices for Children 2019 $0 $0
473 Robert McElderry Purdue Pharmaceutical, L.P. 2019 - 2020 $0 $0
473 Selinda Guerrero FORWARD TOGETHER 2019 - 2020 $0 $0
473 Isaac de Luna Navarro Center for Civic Action 2019 - 2020
Center for Civic Policy 2019 - 2020
$0 $0
473 Rick D Jackson $0 $0
473 Marisa T Trujillo American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network 2019 - 2020 $0 $0
473 William K Bradford $0 $0
473 Bill Grant Midcap $0 $0
473 Alexandria Suzanne Tarantino Animal Protection Voters 2019 - 2020 $0 $0
473 Amy Nerison $0 $0
473 Michael Bowen $0 $0
473 Ashley Nicole White $0 $0
473 MaryAnn Maestas American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico 2019 $0 $0
473 Stephanie Corte American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico 2019 $0 $0
473 Barron L Jones American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico 2019 - 2020 $0 $0
473 Jennifer Billig $0 $0
473 Gordon David Goodman $0 $0
473 Susan Haase League of Women Voters-New Mexico 2019 - 2020 $0 $0