

Rank Lobbyist Employers Total contributions Total expenditures
473 Mr. Patrick T. Ortiz Securus Technologies, Inc. 2014 $0 $0
473 Mr. Dennis Pabst NM Association of Educational Retirees 1 2013 - 2016, 2018
NM Association of Educational Retirees 2014
New Mexico Association of Educational Retirees 2014
$0 $0
473 Mr. James Ronald Pacheco Santa Fe County 2014 $0 $0
473 Mr. Arthur Padilla County of San Miguel 2014 $0 $0
473 Judith R. Bunney Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club 2013 - 2014 $0 $0
473 Mr. Ernest Padilla American Federation of State County Municipal Empl 2014 $0 $0
473 Olga Super Burn League of Women Voters of New mexico 2014
League of Women Voters-New Mexico 2013 - 2014
$0 $0
473 Eric Lyon Burton New Mexico Bankers Association 2013 - 2014 $0 $0
473 Mr. Jerome Alonzo Padilla Town of Atrisco Grant Board of Trustees 2014 $0 $0
473 Elizabeth Susan Bush-Ivie Occidental Petroleum Corp 2014
Occidental Petroleum Corp. DBA Occidental Permian 2014
$0 $0
473 Stuart R. Butzier B.E. Resources, Inc. 2014
Judith Anne Williams, Ind. 2014
Newmont Gold Company 2014
Be Resources, Inc. 2014
$0 $0
473 Michael Cadigan Eastern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control 2014
Villa Santa Maria, Inc. 2014
$0 $0
473 Traci Jo Cadigan Eastern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control 2014
Villa Santa Maria, Inc. 2014
$0 $0
473 Barbara Calef League of Women Voters-New Mexico 2013 - 2020 $0 $0
473 Katherine Campbell League of Women Voters-New Mexico 2014 $0 $0
473 Bill Caperton New Mexico Association of Educational Retirees 2014
NM Association of Educational Retirees 1 2013 - 2014
$0 $0
473 Emily Carey Organizers in the Land of Enchantment 2014 $0 $0
473 William Frazer Carr SunEdison, LLC 2014 $0 $0
473 Thomas L. Carroll Lightning Dock Geothermal, LLC 2016
JD Bullington Government Relations 2014
$0 $0
473 Ms. Susan Pittard Public Employee Retirement Association of NM 2014
NM Association of Educational Retirees 1 2013
$0 $0
473 Ms. Josephine Thatcher Porter League of Women Voters-New Mexico 2013 - 2014 $0 $0
473 Phil Carter $0 $0
473 Michael Castillo ESCAFCA 2014 $0 $0
473 Germaine R. Chappelle $0 $0
473 Jaime Chavez Town of Atrisco Grant Board of Trustees 2014
Town of Atrisco Grant Board of Trustees 2014
Town of Atrisco Grant Board of Trustees 2014
$0 $0