

Rank Lobbyist Employers Total contributions Total expenditures
473 Mr. John Christopher Dill Chesapeake Energy Corporation 2014 $0 $0
473 Mr. Randall Childress El Paso Electric Company 2013 - 2014 $0 $0
473 Mr. Preston Michael Sanchez NM Center on Law and Proverty 2016, 2018 - 2019
New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty 2015
New Mexico Criminal Defense Lawyers Association 2014
$0 $0
473 Mr. Michael Wallace Delta Dental Plan of New Mexico 2013 - 2017
New Mexico Philharmonic 2016
$0 $0
473 Mr. Frank A. Baca New Mexico Gaming Control Board 2014 $0 $0
473 Mr. Robert McCallum Southwestern Power 2014 $0 $0
473 Ms. M. Rebecca Baca NM Association of Educational Retirees 1 2013 - 2014, 2016 $0 $0
473 Mr. Donald James Griego State of New Mexico-EMNRD-Forestry Division 2013 - 2014 $0 $0
473 Mr. William F. Weahkee $0 $0
473 Mr. James Bruce Watkins NM Association of Educational Retirees 1 2013 - 2014 $0 $0
473 Mr. Jose Javier Varela Lopez New Mexico Forest Industry Association 2015 - 2017
New Mexico Cattle Growers' Association 2013 - 2017
New Mexico Coalition of Conservation Districts 2016 - 2017
$0 $0
473 Ms. Judith Kay Williams League of Women Voters-New Mexico 2014 - 2020
League of Women Voters-Santa Fe County 2013 - 2015
$0 $0
473 Ms. Cynthia Delgado National Dance Institute of New Mexico 2015, 2018 - 2020
National Dance Institute 2013 - 2014
$0 $0
473 Mr. Max O. Trujillo Todd Leahy 2013 - 2014 $0 $0
473 Ms. Maram M Abdelhamid Third Sector New England, Inc. dba Free Speech 2014 $0 $0
473 Ms. Maxine Natasha Paul Environment New Mexico 2014 $0 $0
473 Ms. Michelle Brown-Yazzie Navajo Technical University 2018
Navajo Technical Univesity 2016 - 2017
Dine College 2014
$0 $0
473 Mr. Albert V. Lucero AFSCME Council 18 2014 $0 $0
473 Maimuna Syed AFT New Mexico 2013 - 2014 $0 $0
473 Mr. Alan B. Armijo New Mexico Coalition for Charter Schools 2014
Youth Development, Inc. 2014
$0 $0
473 Ms. Agnes Vallejos Alzheimer's Association, New Mexico Chapter 2013 - 2014 $0 $0
473 Ms. Viki Elise Harrison Common Cause of New Mexico 2013 - 2018 $0 $0
473 Ms. Kelley Barnes National Dance Institute 2014 $0 $0
473 Mr. Edward Munoz Raytheon Company 2014 $0 $0
473 Mr. Glenn Spencer US Chamber of Commerce 2014 $0 $0