
Number of employers in 2020 7
Cash donations $1.4K
Multi-year expenditures and gifts $10.3K

Cash donations

Amount Recipient Date
$250.0 Joe Cervantes for Governor April 11, 2018
$150.0 Committee to Elect Peter Wirth Nov. 21, 2017
$150.0 Committee to Re-Elect Mary Kay Papen Nov. 21, 2017
$110.0 Yolanda Lucero for County Probate Judge March 31, 2014
$100.0 Mary Helen Garcia March 14, 2014
$100.0 Mary Kay Papen Oct. 1, 2012
$100.0 Committee to Elect Mary Kay Papen Feb. 18, 2012
$100.0 Representative Patricia Lundstrom Oct. 22, 2018
$100.0 Representative Rodolfo Martinez Oct. 22, 2018
$100.0 Representative Jason Harper Oct. 22, 2018
$100.0 Representative Matthew McQueen Oct. 22, 2018
$50.0 Representative Mary Helen Garcia Dec. 22, 2011
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Expenditures and gifts

Type Paid to Amount Beneficiary Date
Meal and Beverage Expenses Vanessie of Santa Fe $200.0 Senate Corporations Committee Feb. 9, 2017
Meal and Beverage Expenses The Pink Adobe $155.1 Senate Corporations Committee Feb. 7, 2012
Meal and Beverage Expenses Coyote Cafe $250.0 Senate Conservation Committee and Staff Feb. 22, 2019
Meal and Beverage Expenses Osteria D'Assisi $244.6 SCORC Committee and Staff March 2, 2011
Entertainment Expenses Osteria d' Assis $250.0 Pro Tempore Staff March 16, 2013
Meal and Beverage Expenses Albertson's of Alamogordo $160.0 LFC Committee July 16, 2015
Meal and Beverage Expenses Luna Rosa Restaurant and Winery $195.0 LFC Committee July 17, 2015
Meal and Beverage Expenses Sea Salt - NASHVILLE TN $354.0 Legislators attending NCSL in Nashville Aug. 8, 2019
Entertainment Expenses Weaks Law PC $200.0 Legislators and Staff Feb. 7, 2019
Entertainment Expenses Receipt from 2018 NCSL New Mexico $257.6 Legislators and Legislative Staff who attended NCSL in Los Angeles July 31, 2018
Entertainment Expenses La Fonda Hotel $250.0 Legislative staff and legislators Feb. 16, 2011
Entertainment Expenses 100th Bill Party $200.0 Legislative Staff Feb. 16, 2017
Meal and Beverage Expenses 100th Bill Party $200.0 Legislative Staff Feb. 2, 2018
Meal and Beverage Expenses Albertsons $191.5 Legislative Mail Room Staff Feb. 8, 2016
Meal and Beverage Expenses Chalupps Pizza Taos $56.6 Legislative Health and Human Services Committee Aug. 24, 2016