
Number of employers in 2016 2
Cash donations $0
Multi-year expenditures and gifts $1.5K


Organization Years employed
Assoc.of Developmental Disabilities Community Providers 2013 - 2016
TIBH Industries Inc. 2015 - 2016

Expenditures and gifts

Type Paid to Amount Beneficiary Date
Other Expenses Costco $63.1 Senator Cynthia Nava, Senator How Morales, Senator Nancy Rodriguez Feb. 8, 2012
Meal and Beverage Expenses Tomasita's Restaurant $63.8 Legislative Staff - 3 People Jan. 19, 2012
Meal and Beverage Expenses Costco $63.9 Legislative Staff Feb. 8, 2012
Other Expenses Trader Joe's $68.7 Representative Danice Picraux and Representative Jimmie Hall Jan. 31, 2012
Meal and Beverage Expenses Trombino's Restaurant - 4 people $74.9 Senator Dede Feldman/Representative Danice Picraux Aug. 22, 2011
Meal and Beverage Expenses The Bull Ring $80.0 Rep. Ed Sandoval & 5 Guests March 13, 2011
Other Expenses JC Penney - 17 people $80.1 Legislative staff Dec. 26, 2011
Meal and Beverage Expenses Jinja Asian Cafe $105.2 Senator Cynthia Nava, Legislative Staff, 5 People Feb. 13, 2012
Meal and Beverage Expenses Jinja Bistro $153.7 Sen. Cynthia Nava; Legislative Staff Feb. 21, 2011