Meal and Beverage Expenses |
Eldorado Hotel - Old House
Senaotrs Kernan, Brandt, Sharer, Woods and Cotter and four others
Discuss pending issues |
March 15, 2015 |
Meal and Beverage Expenses |
The Bull Ring
Senaotrs Ron Griggs and Lee Cotter, Reps James Strickler, Andy Nunez and Rod Montoya and six others
pending issues |
March 15, 2015 |
Meal and Beverage Expenses |
The Bull Ring
Senaots Stu Ingle, Bill Payne, Lee Cotter and Bill Burt and one other
Discuss issues raised in prior week |
March 14, 2015 |
Meal and Beverage Expenses |
Senate Finance Committee members, guests and staff; senate leadership and staff; Concho personnel
Appreciation for work |
Jan. 13, 2016 |
Meal and Beverage Expenses |
The Bull Ring
Senate Judiciary Committee and staff (shared check)
Relationship building |
Feb. 1, 2018 |
Meal and Beverage Expenses |
NM First
Senator Beffort
attend First Forum -- value of ticket reported |
June 25, 2015 |
Meal and Beverage Expenses |
Bull Ring
Senator Cotter and two others
relationship bulding with new lobbyist - shared check |
Sept. 14, 2015 |
Meal and Beverage Expenses |
Billy Crews
Senator Cotter and two others
discuss pending issues |
March 10, 2014 |
Meal and Beverage Expenses |
Senator Cotter and two others
discuss pending issues |
July 13, 2013 |
Meal and Beverage Expenses |
The Bull Ring
Senator Griggs and wife and one other
relationship building |
Oct. 30, 2016 |
Meal and Beverage Expenses |
NM First
Senator Larranga and wife
attend First Forum -- value of tickets reported |
June 26, 2015 |
Meal and Beverage Expenses |
Outback Steak House
Senators Brandt and Cotter
Discuss interim committee plans |
April 14, 2016 |
Meal and Beverage Expenses |
Outback Steahouse
Senators Cotter and Woods and one other
Issues for the session |
Jan. 18, 2015 |
Meal and Beverage Expenses |
Senators Dotter, Griggs and Woods and six others
Discuss pending issues |
March 6, 2015 |
Meal and Beverage Expenses |
Bull Ring
Senators Griggs and Cotter
Interim commitee meeting |
May 31, 2015 |