
Number of employers in 2020 4
Cash donations $10.4K
Multi-year expenditures and gifts $6.8K

Cash donations

Amount Recipient Date
$100.0 Alonzo Baldonado April 4, 2018
$100.0 Howie Morales April 2, 2018
$100.0 Liz Thomson May 30, 2018
$100.0 Rep Joseph Sanchez Sept. 22, 2019
$100.0 Rep Gale Chasey Nov. 10, 2019
$100.0 Sen Mimi Stewart Nov. 6, 2019
$150.0 Senator Mimi Stewart Oct. 21, 2015
$150.0 Rep Carl Trujillo Aug. 10, 2017
$150.0 Republican Redistricting Fund May 20, 2011
$150.0 Representative Debbie Armstrong July 23, 2015
$150.0 Senator Richard Martinez July 7, 2015
$150.0 Gail Chasey Sept. 19, 2018
$150.0 Daniel Ivey-Soto Aug. 23, 2016
$150.0 Nick Salazar May 11, 2016
$175.0 Rep Javier Martinez Sept. 5, 2019

Expenditures and gifts

Type Paid to Amount Beneficiary Date
Entertainment Expenses Coyote Cafe $480.0 Senate Corporations Committee Dinner Feb. 4, 2012
Meal and Beverage Expenses Pink Adobe $433.3 Senate Corporations & Transportation Comm.& Staff Feb. 4, 2011
Meal and Beverage Expenses Dinner for Two $419.0 House Judiciary Feb. 5, 2019
Entertainment Expenses The Bull Ring $377.0 House Judiciary Committee Feb. 3, 2012
Meal and Beverage Expenses Debbie Maestas-Traynor $338.0 Senate Rules Committee Dinner Feb. 3, 2014
Meal and Beverage Expenses The Bull Ring $329.3 House Judiciary Committee & Staff Feb. 25, 2011
Entertainment Expenses Vanessies $278.0 Senate Public Affairs March 8, 2015
Meal and Beverage Expenses Weaks Law Firm $250.0 100 Bill Party Feb. 7, 2020
Meal and Beverage Expenses Bourbon Grill at El Gancho $250.0 Senate Judiciary Feb. 9, 2017
Meal and Beverage Expenses 100th Bill Party $250.0 Legislative Staff Feb. 15, 2017
Meal and Beverage Expenses The Bull Ring $226.0 Business & Industry Committee Feb. 16, 2017
Meal and Beverage Expenses The Bull Ring $204.0 House Tax Committee March 12, 2017
Entertainment Expenses Debbie Maestas-Traynor $203.0 Freshman Legislative Dinner Feb. 1, 2013
Other Expenses 100th Bill Party $200.0 100th Bill Party Feb. 2, 2018
Meal and Beverage Expenses Bull Ring $173.0 House Tax & Revenue Jan. 30, 2020