
Number of employers in 2020 1
Cash donations $323.2K
Multi-year expenditures and gifts $15.1K

Cash donations

Amount Recipient Date
$500.0 Richard Martinez May 21, 2012
$500.0 Paul Andrew Pacheco Oct. 2, 2012
$500.0 Lisa Torraco Oct. 2, 2012
$500.0 Christopher T. Saucedo Oct. 2, 2012
$500.0 Mark Moores for Senate Oct. 2, 2012
$500.0 Woods for NM Senate 7 Oct. 2, 2012
$500.0 Cathey Jo Alberson Oct. 2, 2012
$500.0 Craig W. Brant Oct. 2, 2012
$500.0 Snyder for Senate Oct. 2, 2012
$500.0 Terry H. McMillan Oct. 2, 2012
$500.0 John Ryan Oct. 2, 2012
$500.0 Committe to elect Monica Youngblood Oct. 2, 2012
$500.0 Friends of Bob Wooley Oct. 2, 2012
$500.0 F. Diane Hamilton Oct. 2, 2012
$500.0 Dona G. Irwin Oct. 2, 2012

Expenditures and gifts

Type Paid to Amount Beneficiary Date
Meal and Beverage Expenses Aggregate Amount $300.1 Aggregate Amount April 24, 2016
Entertainment Expenses Aggregate Amount $604.1 Aggregate Amount April 19, 2016
Entertainment Expenses Aggregate Amount $1.1K Aggregate Amount Dec. 31, 2015
Entertainment Expenses Aggregate Amount $1.1K Aggregate Amount Dec. 31, 2014
Meal and Beverage Expenses Aggregate Amount Less than $75.00 $1.1K Aggregate Amount Less than $75.00 Oct. 1, 2018
Entertainment Expenses AGGREGATE AMOUNT LESS THAN $75.00 $117.1 AGGREGATE AMOUNT LESS THAN $75.00 Dec. 31, 2018
Meal and Beverage Expenses AGGREGATE AMOUNT LESS THAN $75.00 $95.1 AGGREGATE AMOUNT LESS THAN $75.00 May 5, 2019
Entertainment Expenses aggregate amount of less than $75 $1.1K aggregate amount of less tha $75 April 30, 2017
Entertainment Expenses Aggregate Amount of less than $75 $687.6 Aggregate amount of less than $75 Oct. 2, 2017
Entertainment Expenses Aggregate Amount of less than $75 $642.9 Aggregate Amount of less than $75 Dec. 31, 2017
Meal and Beverage Expenses Aggregate Amount of less than $75.00 $713.3 Aggregate Amount of less than $75.00 May 3, 2018
Meal and Beverage Expenses Aggregate Total $1.6K Aggregate Total Sept. 27, 2016
Meal and Beverage Expenses Aggregate Total $436.1 Aggregate Total Oct. 3, 2016
Entertainment Expenses Alonzo Baldonado $80.0 Alonzo Baldonado March 15, 2012
Entertainment Expenses Antonio Maestas $80.0 Antonio Maestas March 17, 2012