
Number of employers in 2020 1
Cash donations $0
Multi-year expenditures and gifts $94.0K


Organization Years employed
New Mexico State University 2013 - 2020

Expenditures and gifts

Type Paid to Amount Beneficiary Date
Gift Expenses Sports Accessories $1.7K none Jan. 29, 2016
Gift Expenses Alll Expenditures under $75.00 (1/1/15 - 4/28/15) $1.6K none April 20, 2015
Gift Expenses Sports Accessories $1.5K House legislators Feb. 27, 2013
Meal and Beverage Expenses Total expenditures under $75.00 $1.4K April 1, 2014
Entertainment Expenses NMSU Athletics $800.0 Rep.Rubio & guest, Rep.Ferrary & guest, Rep.Madrid & guest, Rep.Lara & guest, Rep.Cadena & 2 guests, Sen.Griggs & guest, Sen. Soules & guest Sept. 14, 2019
Meal and Beverage Expenses Total expenditures under $75.00 $714.3 April 17, 2012
Meal and Beverage Expenses Total expenditures under $75.00 $505.3 Dec. 22, 2014
Other Expenses UNM (game to be held 02/05/2018) $500.0 Dec. 1, 2017
Other Expenses UNM $450.0 NM legislators Feb. 10, 2017
Other Expenses UNM $450.0 House of Representatives Dec. 14, 2018
Other Expenses University of New Mexico Cancer Center $450.0 Legislators Nov. 6, 2019
Entertainment Expenses NMSU $385.0 Various Oct. 1, 2018
Meal and Beverage Expenses NMSU $378.6 Jan. 16, 2018
Meal and Beverage Expenses Geronimo $372.8 Chancellor Garrey Carruthers, Janet Green, J. R. Damron, Sec. Barbara Damron Jan. 24, 2017
Meal and Beverage Expenses Vanessies, Santa Fe, NM $368.3 Representative Larranaga, 1 guest, 2 NMSU staff Feb. 10, 2015