Entertainment Expenses |
NMSU Athletics
Rep. Cadena and 2 guests
No business conducted; NMSU Basketball Game Tickets (3x$20 each) |
Nov. 21, 2019 |
Meal and Beverage Expenses |
Jason's Deli
Harrison Rommel (HED), Ricardo Rel and 5 other NMSU staff
Discussed NMSU facility and Utility Capital Outlay |
Nov. 22, 2019 |
Meal and Beverage Expenses |
Osteria d'Assisi
Rep. Rudy Martinez, Rep. Sweetser, Sen. JA Smith, Marc Saavedra (CUP), Chancellor Arvizu & Ricardo Rel (NMSU)
Discussed Higher Ed Budget and Oppportunity Scholarship |
Dec. 10, 2019 |
Other Expenses |
NMSU Athletics
Legislative Finance Council Staff (10 of them)
Presented NMSU Alumni working in the LFC office with an Alumni Gift Bag valued at $12.45 each (lunch box, ball cap, replica bowl ring) |
Dec. 12, 2019 |
Meal and Beverage Expenses |
Sen. Cervantes and 3 NMSU staff
Discussed Athletics master plan and funding |
Dec. 16, 2019 |
Meal and Beverage Expenses |
CVS Pharmacy
Senate Finance Committee
No Business Conducted - bottled water |
Jan. 17, 2020 |
Meal and Beverage Expenses |
Jimmy John's
Rep Lara, Rep Madrid, Sen Smith, 5 NMSU staff, 19 students
Legislative information session for NMSU students |
Jan. 27, 2020 |
Meal and Beverage Expenses |
CVS Pharmacy
Senate Finance Committee
No Business Conducted - bottled water |
Jan. 31, 2020 |
Entertainment Expenses |
NMSU Athletics
Sen Mary Kay Papen, 2 guests
Recognized Sen. Papen for assistance with Women's Softball - Basketball game NMSU vs. UTRGV |
Feb. 22, 2020 |
Entertainment Expenses |
NMSU Athletics
Sen William Soules
No business conducted; Basketball game NMSU vs. UTRGV |
Feb. 22, 2020 |
Entertainment Expenses |
NMSU Athletics
Sec. Bill McCamley
No business conducted; Basketball game NMSU vs. UTRGV |
Feb. 22, 2020 |
Entertainment Expenses |
NMSU Athletics
Rep. Micaela Lara Cadena, 3 guests
No Business Conducted; Basketball game - NMSU vs. CAL Baptist |
March 5, 2020 |
Entertainment Expenses |
NMSU Athletics
Rep. Joanne Ferrary, 1 guest
No business conducted; Basketball game NMSU vs. CAL Baptist |
March 5, 2020 |