
Number of employers in 2020 1
Cash donations $0
Multi-year expenditures and gifts $8.0K


Organization Years employed
Dairy Farmers of America Inc. 2013 - 2020

Expenditures and gifts

Type Paid to Amount Beneficiary Date
Entertainment Expenses Walter Bradley $493.3 NM Lesislature their staff and all staff in the Capitol building and members of the public. Feb. 14, 2012
Meal and Beverage Expenses New Mexico Cattle Growers $516.8 All Legislators and staff Feb. 18, 2020
Meal and Beverage Expenses NMCG Association $605.0 All Legislators and staff March 14, 2019
Meal and Beverage Expenses Roundhouse Feed $801.7 Legislators and staff April 3, 2013